Finding out you are pregnant is so fun. The feelings, the wonders, and then the fear set in, right? This feeling was the same for me in 2007, in 2011, and has continued into 2018, 2019 and will continue on far into 2020, and 2021 in the same way. The feels are something that … [Read more...]
Where to Get Free Baby Stuff
When you first read a positive pregnancy test, the flutters from the feeling of baby inside you are just amazing. Amazing in a way a new mom could never possibly forget! Those feelings of baby flutters, though, are quickly masked by feelings of fear, maybe concern of paying … [Read more...]
The Best Diaper Subscription Options in 2020
Inside: We're talking about the benefits of having a diaper subscription - Bonus: what we love about each diaper subscription. Spoiler alert: you'll spend the same or less as buying in-store! Best Diaper Subscription Services & Options in 2020 I am all about free baby … [Read more...]
Disney Movie Club (Get Your First 4 Movies for $1!)
Disney Movie Club is a great way for your family to grow an awesome movie library. (And, not just any movie library, but one that Walt Disney would be darn proud of!) Partner that with the fact that in the long run you'll be snagging the best-selling Disney movie titles for … [Read more...]
How to Get Free Diapers
When the average baby goes through 8-12 diapers per day, and up to 3,000 diapers in their first year, by the time your baby is potty trained you'll have spent literally thousands of dollars on diapers. Those figures are enough to get you thinking about how to get free diapers, … [Read more...]